
Friday, October 25, 2019


No, Glitter2Gutter is not dead...we were just under water!  Less than 48 hours after my last review, my home town received about 3.5 inches of rain in a 45 minute period.  That, coupled with an unusually wet June and July, led to some fairly serious flooding, and I awoke to five and a half inches of water in my basement/man-cave, where my music collection and office were located.  I lost my computer, my sound system, and roughly 20-30% of my personal music collection, along with thousands of dollars worth of damage to carpeting, drywall, furniture, and other items. 

It was a mess...

Last weekend, I was able to finally get all of the flooring replaced, and the walls will be going back up shortly.  Hopefully, my office will be back to normal within a month or so, but until then, reviews and interviews will be very sporadic...BUT PLEASE KEEP CHECKING IN!  Honestly, I was surprised by the people who emailed me or messaged me to ask what had happened and why G2G was no longer updating, and not only readers, but several artists as well, which was cool.  It's nice to know that people enjoy what you do.

So...enough blathering about the past, as there is nothing I can do about it.  Just know that G2G is still around, and I will be working on getting things back to normal as soon as possible.

For artists and labels still looking to have their music (and books) reviewed, or to set up interviews, you can still contact me for information at:

Thanks for the well-wishes and concern! 

Rock on!

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